
Could new charity regulations increase use of direct mail?

There is likely to be change ahead for printers that produce charity mailings after the government agreed to create a new register, the Fundraising Preference Service, to which members of the public...

One failure doesn’t reflect the wider sector

The demise of digital doyen 1st Byte sent shockwaves through the industry that in many ways seemed out of proportion to its relatively modest size.

'St Bride’s is a living, breathing thing that pulls you in’

As chief executive of the St Bride Foundation, Glyn Farrow is in many respects the de facto trustee of print’s proud heritage.

The first line of defence

Making the print is only ever part of the job of meeting the client’s need for a product to convey their messaging. It is usually necessary to finish the print to protect and/or enhance it, ensuring...

Star product: Caldera Flow+ 2.0

The latest version of the wide-format workflow package.

Sunny outlook for adopters of solar power

It was not so much a problem as the opportunity that prompted us,” says Dale Deacon, who will save his business tens of thousands of pounds every year after seizing that opportunity.

Well-dressed mail delivers the right first impression

"You wouldn’t give someone a present unwrapped, or give it to them in a carrier bag,” observes Alistair Hall, director at London design company We Made This.

Employee perks can perk up your performance

In its Employee Insight Report published in July 2015, Capita Employee Benefits found that 66% of employees would be more likely to stay with an employer that offers good benefits. As the saying (and...

Me & my: Ricoh Pro C9110

Telford doesn’t have the same allure as New York or Barcelona as a travel destination but when Kingswood iOptus came to pick a new digital press it wasn’t the environs of the demo centre that won it...

Shuttleworth highlights benefits of EFI acquisition

Shuttleworth Business Systems has called its acquisition by EFI a positive move that will provide its customers with "extended benefits".