
'Walmart of packaging' invests £500,000 in manufacturing

One of Scotland's fastest growing label makers and printers has bought a Mark Andy LP3000 to improve speed and print quality to further target premium brands.

Photobox boosts capacity with Epson investment

Photobox has invested in five Epson SureColor SC-S60600 wide-format printers to meet its ongoing increasing demand for personalised photo canvases.

Elephant Print and Display sees Vivid results after laminator buy

Digital print company Elephant Print and Display has speeded up laminating by 40 per cent after installing a new machine.

Central Mailing Services invests £500k in new kit and premises

Central Mailing Services (CMS) has invested around half a million pounds in new machinery and a new unit in a move that is expected to increase its turnover by more than 50%.

Successful after 70 years with frugal and risk-averse approach

Warwick Printing is celebrating its seventh decade in business after following a risk-averse business strategy which has allowed it to flourish in the tough litho magazine market.

Firstan invests £6m in double Komori purchase

Firstan Quality Packaging has invested £6m in two Komori 18,000sph presses - a six-colour Lithrone GX40 with coater and a multi-unit Lithrone GX40RP with reverse printing and coating.

Bluetree buys Horizon binder following Route One demand

Bluetree Design & Print has added perfect binding to its service offering after enjoying success with its online print operation.

New KBA (UK) hires to assist flexo drive and sheetfed press sales

KBA (UK) has taken on two new high-profile staff to help with its flexo drive and sheetfed press sales.

CitySprint focuses on growth with Imprint-MIS investment

CitySprint Document Solutions is this week booting up a new management information system (MIS) to help streamline digital, mailing and distribution work.

Smith & Ouzman looks to future following £2.2m fine

Smith & Ouzman is concentrating on diversifying into non-print offerings and winning new business, after being fined £2.2m following its conviction on corruption charges.