
Bidding war over Tangent

A bidding war is underway for Tangent Communications after the Michael Green-backed Bidco team upped its offer for the business in the face of the rival Writtle deal that is on the table.

Writtle will not up Tangent offer

The Tangent takeover saga looks to be over – Writtle Holdings has thrown in the towel and will not increase its offer for Tangent Communications.

Xerox makes sheetfed inkjet move

Xerox has set a competitive price point for its new B3-plus format sheetfed press, the Brenva.

Foliant laminators add foiling and gloss capabilities

Laminator manufacturer Foliant has unveiled a new retrofittable product that it claims will make spot varnish fast and affordable for short-run and personalised print applications.

Rayross Print Factory adds PUR binding

Rayross Print Factory is investing in PUR binding and hopes it will result in a competitive advantage for the Liverpool company.

Packaging company boss blames bag levy for administration

A Lancashire bag manufacturer has gone into administration blaming the introduction of the plastic bag levy in England last year.

Communisis sales top £350m

Sales at Communisis have leapfrogged those of St Ives after the group reported a sixth consecutive year of growth.

Fujifilm launches Acuity Select 20 series

Fujifilm has launched the new Acuity Select 20 series and will showcase the range for the first time at Fespa Digital in Amsterdam next week.

Hallsta Paper Mill restarts PM 11 production line

Holmen Paper has restarted its PM 11 production line at its Hallsta Paper Mill in Hallstavik, Sweden.

Skyline productivity reaches new heights following Aster sewer buy

Skyline Bookbinders has improved throughput of work after starting up a new Meccanotecnica Aster Pro52 sewing machine.