
Airports - home of chic OOH branding

Airports define a synergy between brands and campaigns, as Ramu Ramanathan finds out

Silverpoint installs HP Indigo 3550 for short-run and proofing

Silverpoint Press has installed a HP Indigo 3550 for short-run work while meeting its clients' demands for offset quality. The company is seeing momentum behind its short-run work and proofing.

Monotech installs India's first Konica Minolta Bizhub Press C8000 at Surat's Shiv Digital

Surat-based Pragati Digital Printing has installed India's first Bizhub Press C8000, Konica Minolta's flagship digital production colour printer

VK Box's makes digital foray with KM C6000

The Delhi-based VK Box Industries, a traditional offset printer has entered into digital printing with a Bizhub press C6000 supplied by HCL Infosystems on 15 May 2011

Indian digital print firms line up for PWI Awards

The who's who of the print fraternity have lined up for the Digital Printer of the Year 2011, a prestigious category sponsored by Canon India.

Boss Cards targets artistic greetings cards market with new venture

London-based printer Boss Print is targeting the creative and artistic area of the greetings cards market with its new personalised print offering.

Spot On purchases Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 75

Commercial printer Spot On has purchased a new Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 75-5+L with Inpress Control automated colour and register contol as part of plans to improve productivity at the company.

Genix Imaging caters for growing demand with Seiko ColorPainter buy

Genix Imaging UK has added "an important dimension" to the range of services it can offer customers after investing in a Seiko ColorPainter H-74S.

Ilford appoints former GMG CEO Willems as new chief executive

Photo-quality media manufacturer Ilford Imaging has appointed Paul Willems, the former chief executive of GMG Worldwide, as its new CEO and director of global sales.

Arjowiggins opens Greenfield mill to HP deinking trials

Arjowiggins Graphic and HP have announced an ongoing partnership to look into de-inking Indigo liquid toner and inkjet prints at its advanced wood-free Greenfield mill in France.