Business Feature
Lifelong learning
Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company and pioneer of mass production, once said: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
A story of tax tails & investment dogs
There’s an old adage in the world of accounting: ‘don’t let the tax tail wag the investment dog’. In essence, we, whether as individuals or in business, shouldn’t make moves to minimise tax that might...
EPR: is it workable?
The trade is well aware – or should be so by now – of the government’s Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (EPR) legislation that aims to move the full cost of managing household waste onto...
The route to success
For any one of a myriad of reasons, certain people manage to rise above others. But what makes a great leader – someone who is successful in their chosen field, a person that is revered and admired,...
Are there alternatives to redundancy?
Economic dips come and go and in their wake businesses are left struggling financially. A number succumb to their wounds while others end up as zombie companies unable to do anything other than just...
Setting up for the first time
It doesn’t take much to set up a business: a good idea, graft, opportunity and of course, appropriate funding. However, it takes thought and planning to last the course and become successful.
Give the gift of print
If you are struggling to find a special something for a special someone, Printweek is here to help. Our annual Christmas gift guide is the go-to resource for the time-pressed and print-obsessed.
Navigating the social media landscape
The perfect tool to push the boundaries of freedom of speech or the devil’s own work.
Critical thinking
In On the Origin of Species Charles Darwin points out that it’s not the strongest or most intelligent of the species that survives, but the one that’s most adaptable to change.
Euro stars: Continental drift
Brexit may have disappeared from the news headlines in recent months but that doesn’t negate the fact that it’s meant firms have had to adapt to continue to trade in what is a huge market on our...