Sophie Matthews-Paul

Best of all formats?
Just 15 years ago, the whole ethos surrounding superwide-format print centred around a market sector where size was far more important than quality. To be clear, the term ‘superwide’ ought to cover...

New EU regs look set to stifle mercurial talents
There are on the horizon tougher EU regulations regarding the use of hazardous substances that are targeted at some of the more troublesome elements of the periodic table, among them lead (Pb),...

Is digital cutsheet about to take off?
Among the proliferation of print-related conferences, IMI has maintained a reputation for providing a mix of new technologies and their application that reflect on functional developments, while...

Inkjet technology drives sectors other than just print
If ever a simple adjective could cause confusion in the world of print, it’s ‘industrial’. The term has been cropping up with increasing frequency of late in relation to wide-format machines, meaning...

Transporting files takes off with latest workflows
That’s the trouble with doing well. Excel at making some decent margins from a certain area of print, and it inevitably won’t be long before others are jumping on the bandwagon – and in the case of...