
Larkin (left) receiving the gold award from Mallett

Curtis lauds next generation of packaging design talent

Curtis Packaging has unveiled the winners of its third annual Curtis Centre of Excellence Prize, a design competition that invites students to develop innovative and sustainable packaging solutions.

L-R: Ashley Butterfield from Paragon Bank, Cartonage's Andrew Eastham, Paragon Bank’s Kyle Johnson, and Local Renewable Services' Andrew Clews

Cartonage cuts energy costs with solar install

Cartonboard packaging company Cartonage has installed new solar panels on the roof of its premises to help reduce its energy costs.

Dayfold has a showroom displaying its work at its Dorset facility

Dayfold examines emissions with CarbonQuota

Dayfold has signed up with CarbonQuota to measure the carbon footprint of its products as they are produced.

Wallace Print's array of 450 panels will pay for itself in three years

Sunny days for Wallace Print after solar install

Family-run large-format printer Wallace Print has installed 245 solar panels at its 1,200sqm Rochester factory.

Curtis was awarded B Corp status in April

Curtis secures B Corp certification packaging first

Curtis Packaging has laid claim to becoming the first UK carton manufacturer to secure B Corp certification, demonstrating its commitment to producing award-winning luxury packaging that is kind to the...

GF Smith is now the largest B-Corp certified business in Hull

GF Smith earns B-Corp status

Hull-based paper manufacturer and supplier GF Smith has become a certified B-Corp after meeting high standards of social and environmental policy.

EPR will put the financial responsibility for packaging waste on the companies that use, supply and produce it

Extended Producer Responsibility fees delayed to 2025

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) charges for packaging converters, producers and suppliers have been delayed a year, from October 2024 to 2025.

Greener Mail promises instant environmental impact

The Flow Group unveils new green mail brand

West Yorkshire mailing house and print marketing company The Flow Group has launched a new brand to help businesses who want to make their marketing environmentally friendly with instant impact.

Tame: REWE’s actions are really disappointing

Two Sides challenges REWE on flyer removal

Two Sides has written to German retail group REWE about making misleading statements concerning the environmental impact of print communications.

Carbon mitigation is still to be encouraged, but only over and above deep cuts to emissions

Drop carbon neutral claims from offsetting, says key body

Printers should drop claims that offsetting makes their products carbon neutral, according to new guidelines designed to help companies communicate their climate action.