
Praise for print's people

Jo Francis makes some additions to her list of joy replenishers at the PrintWeek Awards.

Transformation, by way of Marigold gloves

Jo Francis is impressed by the cleaning prowess of a newly appointed print boss who's already made a difference to his business.

Collective pat on the back

Jo Francis salutes the multi-talented people of print.

Know your numbers

Some candid comments on company finances have given Jo Francis pause for thought.

Printing industry profits should be celebrated

Jo Francis is delighted that the printing industry is the source of another wad on Dragons' Den.

Paean to print's incredible tech

Jo Francis salutes print's precision engineers.

Landa: the expectation mounts

Jo Francis cannot wait to see how Benny Landa's Nanographic presses perform in the field.

The fall of Anton Group

Jo Francis ponders recent events at the UK's biggest commercial sheetfed printer.

Solopress sale is an inspiring tale

Jo Francis salutes the hard work behind the Solopress success story.

Change is good, but what won't change?

Jo Francis has returned from PrintWeekLive! with a lot more than the requisite 'one good idea'.

PrintWeekLive! approaching

Jo Francis has an important diary date next week.

When very bad news comes in threes

Jo Francis hopes that print bosses up and down the land are taking some time out to make sure their Health & Safety procedures are up-to-date.

Love, life …and death

Without wishing to appear maudlin, Jo Francis suggests we should all think a bit more about mortality

What next for St Ives?

In the wake of its latest profits warning, Jo Francis ponders the future for St Ives's remaining print operations.

Motivational wisdom for 2017

Jo Francis finds inspiration for the year ahead in two amazing women and a pensioner with a feather duster.